CHESS game helps build lifelong mental health and offers several other amazing benefits. Playing requires concentration and it helps develop good focus on the task at hand be it studies or work.
     Chess improves the ability to think critically. Players are required to analyze fast and solve problems as they play. Because chess requires extensive use of the brain’s right hemisphere, the game enhances creativity and develop originality.
     We at Bhat Chess School(BCS) want to create awareness about chess and help players reap all the benefit of playing chess. This organization is established in 2017 by Ramachandra Bhat, International chess coach so as to help aspiring chess players as well as professional players alike. We Provide affordable coaching for all the levels, from beginner to Advanced/Professional chess players. And we provide one-on-one coaching, group coaching, on-line and special coaching at you convenience. We have chess materials, books, board & piece. We also offer correspondence coaching for intermediate and advanced players where you can learn from home. You can get in touch with us to know about upcoming tournament and other opportunities.

Ramachandra Bhat, FIDE rated and International chess Coach

        Ramachandra Bhat is a senior most Chess coach and has 45 years of coaching and playing experience across State, National and International level chess tournaments. His students not only gained a FIDE rating, but also became the International Masters from different States.

       Ramachandra Bhat is considered as the most dynamic Chess players Karnataka has seen. He has set many records which is still hold by him only. His opening preparation and repertoire has been studied by the higher rated players (2300+) with which they have gained IM norms and in due course they have became International Masters. Players say that “We finish our games early just to see Ramachandra Bhat’s game”, because of its dynamic play. Many players across have taken core benefits of study materials prepared by Bhat, taken one to one coaching and the result is always fruitful.

     Anand Swami ,
                 Is known for way of teaching for beginner to intermediate levels and understanding students needs and weakeness.